Answer these six questions to see where you stand.

It is increasingly critical to have a robust property management strategy. Your buildings must do more than retain their value – they must support your core business and comply with legal requirements. In addition, property managers are tasked with staying within budget and reporting accurate numbers for crucial and expensive decisions. So transparency in your portfolio is vital to ensure that you are in control. Answer these six simple questions to find out whether you are truly in control of your most expensive asset, your property.

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Do you have all basic property data available?

What information do you have about the utilisation of your property?

How do you compare property performance across your portfolio?

How do you manage leases, expiry, payments and income?

How do changes to FASB or IASB affect your lease administration and reporting?

How do you align your property portfolio with changing business needs?

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You will receive your results online and extra tips via email.