White Papers
Business people gathering and discussing around a table in a meeting room.

Six ways CAFM delivers business benefits to the boardroom

The many advantages of CAFM software are often clear to Facility and Real Estate Managers (reduced costs, greater efficiency and accurate reporting), but getting buy-in from your board to invest in Computer Aided Facility Management can be a challenge.

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Workplaces in a modern office

Benefits of BIM for real estate and facility managers

With everyone talking about Building Information Modelling (BIM), the question is what advantages, as a facility or real estate manager, will materialise from this model during the management and maintenance phase of your buildings. Learn more about the possibilities of linking a BIM with your Facility Management Software. 14:29 English

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A man in a black suit working on financial data with a calculator.

How to guide - How to make software demos work

Are you considering purchasing an IWMS? Or planning to replace your existing CAFM software as it doesn’t meet your needs? In both cases a well thought purchase process starts with understanding your requirements, writing the business case, setting a budget, allocating resources and building a solid project plan including a vendor selection procedure.

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White Papers
View on garden and greenhouse building.

ERP versus IWMS

Based on three different perspectives (business, IT and investment), this e-book is a guide to help you make a sound choice to suit your long-term goals, and to reduce any risk of failure during implementation and operation goals, and to reduce any risk of failure during implementation and operation.

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Maintenance worker checking air conditioning data on a tablet.

Guide - så här gör du för att påskynda hanteringen av felrapporter

Det är en utmaning för många företag att få arbetsorder gjorda i tid. Den här guiden innehåller steg till att korta ner handläggningstiderna för underhållsarbete.

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